
Galle/ Yala National Park

USD 530.00 for 02 Pax

Trip starts from Colombo or Negombo and drive to Galle, It is about 120 km from Colombo and 2hrs drive on the expressway, visit Dutch Fortress or the "Ramparts of Galle", is a historical, archaeological and architectural heritage monument, which even after more than 423 years maintains a polished appearance, due to extensive reconstruction work done by Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka. Galle lighthouse, clock tower, Groote Kerk - Galle, All Saints' Church, National Museum, Old Dutch Hospital, National Maritime Museum are main archaeological and architectural heritage monuments in the fort. The fort has a colorful history, and today has a multi-ethnic and multi-religious population. The Sri Lankan government and many Dutch people who still own some of the properties inside the fort are looking at making this one of the modern wonders of the world. The heritage value of the fort has been recognized by the UNESCO and the site has been inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for its unique exposition of "an urban ensemble which illustrates the interaction of European architecture and South Asian traditions from the 16th to the 19th centuries."After exploring the fort it's time for lunch and after lunch leave for Tissamaharama. It's about 160 km and 4hrs drive through the scenic coastal roads. Arrive Tissa, and check in to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay.Early morning about 5 Am leave for Yala. (23 Km) with picnic breakfast.The park is situated in the dry semi-arid climatic region and rain is received mainly during the northeast monsoon. Yala hosts a variety of ecosystems ranging from moist monsoon forests to freshwater and marine wetlands. It is one of the 70 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Sri Lanka. Yala harbours 215 bird species including six endemic species of Sri Lanka. The number of mammals that has been recorded from the park is 44, and it has one of the highest leopard densities in the world. It is situated in the southeast region of the country, and lies in Southern Province and Uva Province. The park covers 979 square kilometers (378 sq. mi) and is located about 300 kilometers (190 mi) from Colombo. Yala was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1900, The park is best known for its variety of wild animals. After the safari return to Colombo or Negombo. ( 5-6 hrs)

Suggested departure time from Colombo is 7.30 AM

Tour Cost Includes:

  • Transfers in an air conditioned vehicle with an English speaking driver guide from Colombo / Negombo to Yala and back
  • Lunch at Galle
  • Accommodation in a A/C moderate room with dinner & breakfast (Picnic)
  • Morning  Safari in Yala  National Park by a Jeep, Including entrance tickets
  • 2nd day Lunch and Refreshments

Tour cost excludes:

  • Any item not mentioned above
  • Tips ( At your discretion )

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